Saturday, April 15, 2017

Motor Mechanisms and Behavior

Chapter 39 Reading Guide due Tuesday 

"The How and Why of Animal Activity"

Select and Begin Lab Inquiry Experiments in groups of 3 max. 

Begin Bacteria Lab 

Ecology Chapter 40 HW due Thursday Begin "Life in a Jar" experiments with Bio.

Tutorials this week 

Monday Topic 2 The CELL 
Wednesday Topic 3 
Friday Topic 4

LocomotionEnergy Cost of SwimmingFlying, and Running. + See all authors and affiliations. Science 21 Jul 1972: Vol. 177, Issue 4045, pp. 222-228

Niko Tinbergen and the stickleback
Karl von Frisch
Konrad Lorenz

Tinbergen's first 

Chapter 39 Reading Guide due Tuesday 

"The How and Why of Animal Activity"
Circadian clock and circadian rhythms
Niko Tinbergen and the stickleback
Karl von Frisch
Konrad Lorenz

LocomotionEnergy Cost of SwimmingFlying, and Running. + See all authors and affiliations. Science 21 Jul 1972: Vol. 177, Issue 4045, pp. 222-228
Honey Bee Waggle Dance
Karl von Frishch 
Best Sliding Filament theory explanation video I've found so far.

Notes Muscles

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