Friday, April 28, 2017

Mid terms Fourth Quarter

Highs and Lows
Passing and Failing

AP Bio Tutorials are rolling along great!  I am so proud of the kids.  We work together through the problems in the Holtzclaw review book.  It is a dynamic group of learners going through questions and reasoning.  The principal observed our group in my room after school working hard to review for the test and he commended them on being the cream of the crop.   What a high point for all of us.  

For in Class Review we are doing a general Big Idea each of the last four class days.  They requested Crash Course of photosynthesis, respiration, ATP, and they really struggle with the concepts.  I need to revamp the cell resp movie assignment to have scenes including actors required in movie.  .  Photosynthesis is very difficult.   Re do the Photosynthesis Lab as a demo.   We played Kahoot for Big Idea #2 We also livened the mood with a quick game of Disney Kahoot while the seniors took their group picture.  In The SNOW.  Need to play a game or make a game to remember the equation.

We are doing the 7 day study group worksheets to review vocabulary and big questions.  Students used chromebooks to explore answers and complete the guides.

I sent the AP students a link to study and review materials that I have through CANVAS at 11 pm last night.  They each got the alert on their phones.   I really have to remember to schedule announcements for appropriate times.  Also, why not just increase email use?  Anyway, they laughed at me in class today.  I also should have sent the announcement when I had the sub earlier in the week.  

In baby bio, my students are failing.  We are creating a review notebook and playing kahoot and I need to create a new authentic set of kahoots and some canvas quizzes from their review book.  However,  they are not doing them.  I also have started grading starters and drills and they are not in class each day so most with lower grades tend to score low on these.  I need to match the vocab and a quiz with the drill questions.

Meanwhile, we have had some serious classroom bonding moments in bio.  the Moana soundtrack was a hit with many singing along while cutting and pasting DNA models, Lion King during food chains in the African savanna, the "pun" train of jokes, and so much more.

But, they are failing.

 SEM of mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum.: 92b11addd067f3d3cbe64da47676f121.jpg 630×810 pixels:

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