Thursday, March 30, 2017

Animal Form and Function

AP Biology Week # 32


Evaluate scientific questions concerning organisms that exhibit complex properties due to the interaction of their constituent parts.[SP 3.3]LO 4.8EK 4.A.4
Predict the effects of a change in a component of a biological system on the functionality of an organism(s).[SP 6.4]LO 4.9EK 4.A.4
Refine representations and models to illustrate complexity due to interactions of the constituent parts.[SP 1.3]LO 4.10EK 4.A.4
Use representations and models to analyze how cooperative interactions within organisms promote efficiency in the use of energy and matter.[SP 1.4]LO 4.18EK 4.B.2

This Week’s Lab: Transpiration Lab

Thematic Examples

Feedback Loops video discusses negative and positive feedback loops and relates them to the body's mechanism of internal regulation using thermoregulation, uterine contractions, and blood glucose levels as illustrations. 

Digestion:  Insulin and Glucagon
  1. Predict the changes that occur in the structure and function of the heart over time.
  2. Make a connection between the structure and function of each heart.  
  3. CONDUCT Sheep heart dissection Pg 669 Chap 32 POL
  4. WATCH Brave Heart:  Circle of Life HHMI Lecture
Muscle Structure
The video explains the three types of muscle found in humans and how actin and myosin work together to contract a sarcomere.  It also explains the sliding filament theory including how ATP and calcium are involved in contracting the Z lines.  
Nervous System  Neurons:  Structure Function and Types of Neurons
Electrical Activity of Neurons 12 slides and several short videos from the Holiday Lecture Series, Making Your Mind:  Molecules, Motion, and Memory.  Learn how neuronal activity is measured and action potentials are generated, and view recordings of the firing of individual neurons.
Crossing the Divide:  How Neurons Talk to Each Other information on how neurons talk to each other across a synapse. HHMI record electrical activities of individual neurons while delivering a mechanical stimulus to the attached skin of leeches.  Inject florescent dyes into the neurons to visaulize their morphology.  Based on the morphology and the response to stimuli, students will identify the neurons and compare them to previously published results.  
 Evolution of the Brainvideo shows all the stages from the first neurons to the current human brain.  

Interactive Notebook Activities
Water Cycle and transpiration
Index card summary
Water and Plants




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